into the sauce

My friend’s 16 year old went to a party on Saturday night -with boys. This was pretty much a first for her and she was looking at everything with wide eyes and her fantastic sense of humour so she could replay it back to her mom and dad.

When you have good kids- we call them Block Parents-you want to push them gently  to be a little naughty. When you have the wild child, you want to lock them up for the teenage years with day passes only for trips to the library or church picnics. We parent our children according to the map they give us from their behaviour.

These friends had been wanting  their daughter to be more social and spread her wings just a tiny bit. So this opportunity was jumped at.

The teenager had fun, talking, laughing and sipping cautiously on one single and foul tasting beer. No scandals in dark corners, no sudden exponential growth in the group from texting party details.

She skedaddled home for 11 dying to tell her party stories -to find no one home. Mom and dad were out until 2 and younger sister was babysitting until 1:30.

Everyone was out having their own life.

for a completely different view on drinking check out “walk on by” my latest post on Urbanmoms

life is a crap shoot

The more you live the more you realize what you can and cannot control.  The more you try to control the uncontrollable (the weather, other people, your hormones, age, grey hair, big government) the more unhappy you become.

In grade 10 you have to choose the courses you will take for the rest of your academic life, in effect. Simply put, with hormones raging, love of boys and your stuffed bunny concurrently, one foot in childhood and one in adulthood, you must know what you want to be when you grow up.

The world has not shown all of itself to you and it has barely had a glimpse of you and all that you can do. It is ludicrous and limiting  to think you are able to make big world -big life choices now.

I sat my 15 year old down and said the people with 95% in calculus have no further guarantee of life happiness then the people with long skinny legs or hefty trust funds. Life is a mystery but the rules are simple. Show up for it, do your best, work hard, play harder, love deep,  share your sandwich if someone is hungry, don’t take yourself too seriously .

‘Life is a crapshoot, sweets.’

‘You are swearing a lot these days, mom.’

Check out just what the doctor ordered-SPIN DOCTOR- my latest blog on my other site-Urbanmoms

that could have been a lot worse

They sat at their favourite table in the happening, beautiful restaurant at Yonge and Summerhill. They laughed, petted each other adoringly and toasted their mutual fabulousness.

Half way through their main course, a woman burst through the front door of the restaurant, pushed angrily passed the snooty maitre d’ and ran screaming toward the couple.

‘You crazy son of a bitch. This is the last time, I tell you. You have done this too many times, do you think I am blind, do you think I am crazy. How could you, you horrible, mean spirited, selfish pig? I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.’ She slammed her fist on the table, the wine spilled flooding the Sole Almandine as she  ran screaming out the door.

At this point, as much as we are shy, unassuming Canadians, there was not a sound in the restaurant as all eyes turned to the couple left behind. They did not flee in embarrassment, did not blush or even blink. In the cruel way that life can find the humiliated and hurt further humiliate and hurt themselves and the nasty and unkind appear unscathed – they looked  at each other and said “Well, that could have been a lot worse”.

take a look at Honk if You love Jesus-my newest post on my other site- Urbanmoms