10 years old

I read  that if you can somehow find yourself doing what made you so happy at 10  for at least part of your daily life as an adult, that you could make yourself really happy.

It got me thinking my favourite things at 10 were


-playing with and caring for  dolls/younger children

-skiing and running

-spelling bees

-playing outside

-doing anything art related




-hanging out with great friends

-making anything with my hands

Apart from the spelling which is dead, the list was current.

what were you doing at 10 that made you happy? Are you doing that today?

be careful what you wish for – new post by clicking here

memory bank

A memory bank is the place in your memory where you deposit and withdraw.

You deposit the fantastic, the rich, the poignant, the telling, the beautiful, the life changing, the simple, the funny, the odd.

You make your life’s work about creating memories worthy of deposit. Sometimes you have to work at it , sometimes it just happens. If you  allow it.

This is ROI.

Then in bleak moments, sad moments, difficult times, bland days,  dark and lonely  hours, you withdraw from this fat account.

You pull out whatever you need when you need it.

I have just made so many deposits I am dizzy. And rich. Click here to see.

1/4 past…I don’t know what

I put my watch deep into my bag 8 days ago.

I have no phone.

I have had limited access to email.

No calendar. No agenda. No shoes.

I turned to my friend at one point and asked the time. And I loved the way I had no idea whatsoever.

She said “1/4 past… I don’t know what.”

Then we tried to remember the day. It took some time.

I love holidays.

this definitely aint the Hilton- I love authentic travel- click here for a peek