let it go

I did that long swim I love to do just now

I love the feeling of the cold smooth water

And being totally alone

and able to think about everything

and nothing

but on the way back the wind was strong and waves were tough

slapping me in the face


like a problem that won’t leave me alone

I started to cry

because that is what we do when there is no distraction

and no one around

but crying and swimming is hard

so I lay on my back

and let it go.

what would you do if you weren’t afraid? That is my new favourite quote-click here for my short list and puhlease give me yours

PLU (people like us)

“We have fancy windows now. They open.” 10 year old son announces.

Friends in a house as old as mine whose original windows, now replaced with new ones,were mainly painted shut except for one important one that could open but needed to be held open with a hockey stick for otherwise it would slam down with the force of a guillotine.

“A little behind on dinner, are we?” Man asks gently as he arrives home to find  smouldering pot of dinner  cooling  in snowbank  burnt to a  crisp.

Fire alarm goes off. Hungry kid runs downstairs screaming “Dinner is ready!”

Little girl turns to grannie and says” How old are you?” Grannie says she is so old she does not remember. Little girl says- “if you have forgotten just look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six”


Why is harmless flirting potentially playing with fire? Click here for new post on this

unlocking the door to yourself

Here is an interesting thing; When you meet someone who is split and they look perfectly fine and they seem loveable and whole on the surface and then they talk ever so little  but just enough or maybe a lot about their split you do this thing

and it the craziest thing

but you can’t help it

you think- what is wrong with this person that they could not make it work, that they could not sustain it, feed it, nurture it, save it ?

And yet you cannot imagine anyone thinking that of you because you know you are loveable and good and whole and healthy.

But in their quiet they wonder it too.

But in the next moment you realize how we are all the same.

I have a best friend and the door to me is always wide open with her. We have everything but math (she loves it) and food (I love it, she doesn’t) in common- click here to read more