I am here now

“Ok, Nancy, I am here now. Have a wonderful day”

My postman, Lloyd.

I am sitting at my desk and the fresh air is flying through the house from back door to front

I can hear the sounds of the city

and the neighbour with allergies sneezing next door

And some birds chatting too

I am getting so much done

The weather is wait- all – year- for-it perfect

And I hear a noise on my doorstep.

I know it is my postman. A great man I have known for 8 years.

He had cancer last year but is better now. I missed him when he was gone

I like my doors open and that  I trust.

I like his voice and him telling me he is there- even though he does not know I am because he cant see me.

Click here for a good saying to live by and think about it. I really love this one

reveal yourself

Last Friday there was a surprise in my door.

I love to pull into the driveway to find something there

Over the years I have found many things waiting on my doorstep- in no particular order- pharmaceuticals, a cat, a 3 foot fake flower, a boy with a shovel in a snowstorm wanting to help, dinner, a container with 8 snails in it with holes poked in the top (how did you know I wanted snails?), flowers with an ‘I am sorry’ note ,a man in a suit with a smile on his face, a family of 5, an angry ex husband, homemade maple syrup, a box of jewelry, sleeping pills, a book about inspiration, new windshield wiper fluid  on a nasty winter day, flowers, $250 in cash, a bullfrog , a little black dress, a bunny rabbit (and so close to easter) 3 baked potatoes, a wheelchair ramp, cookies, tulips, a golden retreiver who was coming for the weekend and a ‘bouquet’ of sharpies(I love sharpies)

but this one was different.

Inside the wrapping was  a framed quote “Courage is fear that has said it’s prayers”

I don’t know who it is from

Reveal yourself please. I like it and I want to thank you.

This must be my lucky week. Yesterday another surprise- click here for what it was

not yet

When you arrived back from your prom and we were sitting on my bed the next day- I asked in that juvenile way that I do

“Was it the greatest night ever? The best night of your life?”

And you looked at me and said “It was a great great night but not the greatest ever. I have not had that night yet”

Clever girl. So many lessons around prom worth writing down- click here for notes to my daughter part 2

what ?- you didn’t read part 1- why not? click here for that