this is not a cocktail party

Female drivers resist and resent the implication that they are… well, female drivers.

I am in every possible way the most female of drivers. I accept the notion. I am working to overcome it.

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more than 10 minutes with dear jane


I was in Kingston interrogating the good first boyfriend, attending a concert Charlotte was singing in.

Dear Jane welcomed me into her home and her heart for a night. I hardly knew her. I had met her briefly several years ago. She is the sister of one of my best friends.

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the good first boyfriend

I always wanted my girls to have the good first boyfriend. You know, the one who paves the way, the one who sets the standard, who treats both himself and her well.

Of course we cannot choose for them even if we would like to. Damn. When they bring home the one we don’t choose, we repeat under our breath that we should be ‘open’ and find something to love in them as a show of support. (But we badly want to ground everyone until they are 30).

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