Jump me

I live on a great street where the houses lean into each other as though they are trying to share a secret. Once I sneezed in my kitchen, front door open and my daughter playing  across the street shouted ‘bless you’. Ok, it is true I sneeze like a man but still.

September is about catching up and we were on the driveway chatting when another  neighbour drove by  and pulled over to chat. Anything to put off a boring errand.We chatted for 40 mins or so, almost ready to crack the wine open, when  her husband came down the street, rake in hand, asking if she had picked up the leaf bags yet. ‘No but there are tons in my garage’, friend said. At that point wife thought she better skeddadle and went to turn on car and it would not turn over.

Husband emerges from garage to return to task and wife shouts “will you jump me?”

I look for it. I see it. A smile, a twinkle, a spark. And not just between the jumper cables. There it is, very reassuring  especially in spite of the boo boo.

check out poignant and touching stuff recently shared by one of my readers on my other site by clicking here.

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