
As a kid I loved my birthday, like all children. I then hit a 20 year gap where I was not that keen on my birthday. I did not like the attention and did not know how to respond to it. Now I have reverted back to liking, okay loving, my birthday. The reasons are easy to come to-

-I get it finally. Life is short. We must celebrate everything including the ability and privilege to age.

-Everyone is concerned with themselves. It is survival. For a day or a moment, if someone wants it to be about me- I let it be. How generous of me, right?

-There is only one of each of us. In many ways we are similar and in many we are unique. If I have made a difference to you and you want to show me or tell me- the only day you might think to is my birthday. If you are really aware of the passage of time, you will let me know all year. This is the way I try to play and if you want to play that way with me- I must allow it and encourage it.

-Time marches ahead whether we like it or not. Today I am younger and less dead than I will be tomorrow. Let’s celebrate.

– In a short time I will be 50. That is shocking and weird and maybe even offensive. But whatever. I use that looming number as a call to urgency-


I have a snapshot of me at 50 in my head and it looks a certain way. I am motivated to work to that.But in the meantime, let’s celebrate.

-At 80, I will remember the delight of 48. I will not mourn that I did not wear it short, call a spade a spade, push it, feel it, fall flat on my face, make it beautiful, say what I mean and mean what I say. Won’t I feel so good at 80 if  I  ADORE 48?

let the games begin

Tomorrow it will be about you, after all.

(The two pictures here are of two b day gifts I have received this week on my doorstep- one practical and one romantic- I love both- both had me  and my “needs” in mind)

A year ago I launched this blog and it has had over 30,000 hits, interviews and over 600 comments. Thank you. Click here to read about that

4 thoughts on “urgency

  1. hey – easy on that 50 stuff!
    I know you will have a wonderful birthday – know that I am thinking of you (getting closer to 50!) Know too you have made a difference in my life – thank you.

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