somebody’s momma

No one is supposed to say this I guess about their own kid but my daughter came home from working at camp this summer for a few days during changeover- looking striking.

She has colour and is lean and muscular from 7 weeks of running all day as an AC. Her hair is wild and long. Her shorts, however, seem  really tiny.

We went into town to get some fruit and fish for dinner. We were laughing and squeezing melons when I spotted a firefighter. Off duty. His shirt said “FIRE” so I am guessing. And then what appeared to be a surfer or something emerged from behind the bing cherries. Then a guy  wearing a t shirt in the way GOD intended  t shirts to be worn, who had just jumped off his bike,  was seductively nibbling some samples of cheese and baguette. Always taste before you buy.

I wondered if it was a mirage from so many weeks of art camp with kids.

Having said that she has been at an all girls camp this summer.

Anyway, I am trying to get to my point.

Ummm. I was checking them out.

Ummm. They were checking out my teenager.

Ummm. She was checking out  really nifty cutting boards made from thin cross sections of trees.


always better than the alternative, though.


wise little people are around me again thanks to great day job- click here for their cleverness



6 thoughts on “somebody’s momma

  1. I love this acronym. Too funny. I have two beautiful daughters and watch the men check them out. It’s weird.

    I saw a good bumper sticker the other day,, Jesus is coming. Look busy.

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