my obedient body, my disobedient will

iPhone art work by my niece Katie

Ok all hecklers, naysayers, and  told ya so ers step to the back of the bus.

I wrote about giving up cakes, cookies, cupcakes and candies for the month of January to honour my obedient body which works  well and is  healthy and strong.

Things went remarkably well until book club weekend and the celebrating of a good friend’s birthday and delicious homemade berry bark appeared. Seeing as it did not start with “C” and it is very bad luck not to share b day sweets with a good friend, I went for it.

I have a tendency to create  rules as I go along.

Subsequent sugar coated days included my daughter’s birthday and my own.

I knew I was likely going to cave when one night I ate 4 cherry flavoured children’s Vitamin C’s because I was dying for something sweet but did not want to break my oath.

Slippery slope.

ok so I am miles from perfect but I make up for it in passion – I just spoke at an AGM about finding our passion and want to share a bit of it with you. Click here.

One thought on “my obedient body, my disobedient will

  1. Kudos to you Nancy! You lasted longer than me. I tried to follow your lead but only last 4 days before caving to chocolate. I’m not very nice to be around if I don’t have at least a dose of dark chocolate per day. I’m so glad that things went so well with your public speaking…I loved what you shared!

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