


When I am really tired, I have severe brain synapse issues

stuff I know like back -of -hand, escapes me in a frightening way

I cannot remember anything, even the most commonplace facts

On the last day of an art camp a few weeks ago, I could not find any more green paint. We desperately needed green paint- beautiful,  rich, “hooker green”, as it is named. I am thinking I can’t get that  in town, can’t get it shipped from Toronto same day, what on earth am I going to do? We are half way through a project. Wouldn’t you know we have plenty of every other colour of the rainbow and then some.

Let’s remember I mix paints all day and it is one of my favourite simple pleasures

Daughter looks at me and says “Ummmmm, we could mix the yellow and blue paints”

I look at her like she is Galileo. What ? Green is not a primary colour? It is a secondary colour?

I look at her half crazy. Heresy.

I want to say “off with your head” or at least ‘house arrest’

But instead I say- “I like you. Very much”


That same  day I told all the kids there was a pair of running shoes at the door- unclaimed. Size 7. Cute. Small. Quite newish. You don’t want to forget them. If you do I might use them. Seriously, you leave them behind and I need them, I will use them. Because actually they are my size.

OH, actually they are my shoes.

Seriously, why is anyone leaving their kids with me? Should I be left with me when I am tired?


Thankfully they do and I am grateful for the opportunity. It is funny and fun and the most fascintating things seem to happen.  Click here for a little glimpse of the week I am wrapping up now