We are all God’s children


This is what I try to say to myself when I get mail on dating sites


it prevents me from being offended or judge too harshly  the man who looks old enough to be my dad, the many with mustaches (I don’t like them I don’t like them I don’t like them), the guy who looks like he would kill me in my sleep or the one with bloodshot eyes, smoking and drinking. Body? Temple?

some of you scare the wits out of me

some of you are making me laugh (you and me, really?)

some of you pique my interest

some of you make me wonder

while I am a visual learner and need an initial physical curiosity that does not mean I want a picture of you with your mother, lizard or horse. Or car. Or motorcycle. Or boat. Stuffed animals should go without saying.

I love words but do not respond well when you say to me  the following-

“Hmmmmmm, pretty lady” (*shivers* only the bad kind, not the good kind. Why do I picture the big bad wolf licking his lips and drooling?)

“I am under you right now as you sleep. I drive the TTC subway on the graveyard shift” (I am creative but could not possibly make this up)

” I think I love you” (based on?)

“I can see a future with you” (we have never even spoken!)

“I am not including a picture because I was stalked by an asshole on this site” (yikes!)

“U look prettie” (poet)

The funniest thing I keep reading on men’s profiles is “PLEASE no crazy people.” Did you not get the memo? The crazy people don’t know they are crazy.


By the way if this sounds like hell- I think it is fun. For every 10  children of god  there is one I might have coffee or dinner with. There is always possibility and I love that at the beginning of every week. And remember I need to keep the wheel smooth- click here for what on earth this particular child of god is talking about


6 thoughts on “We are all God’s children

  1. Oh Nancy this made me laugh. Like you I am trying out the on-line dating again after being single for six years. It is difficult at times to not yell at the computer screen and say “what are you thinking?” to some of the messages I get and why a guy who looks like one of the members of ZZtop would think I would be interested, but every so often there is one there that seems worth the effort. Wishing you the best in your search for someone special. Thanks for reminding me to keep my sense of humour and remembering that yes indeed we are all God’s children. ZZtop included.

  2. oh yes, ZZ. Repulsed by the look when they were actually “in” – so now it just screams the Ozarks. Or homelessness.
    keep me posted on your progress, Allison!

    • This one wasn’t homeless. He had a lovely “re-locatable” home which he was proud enough to show off in his profile picture 🙂

  3. Well you are “prettie” Nancy!
    Loved this as usual.
    If you were from the small town I grew up in, the whole town would be after you! I think it’s harder in the big city?

    • Yes! That’s much more accurate. You have to do a little more ” weeding” here. In St. Thomas, all you do us ask your neighbour and they’ll give the low down!

      Happy Tuesday!

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