the whole earth

self portrait art studio for children



I LOVE LOVE love doing self portraits with really little ones. I did almost 70 last week at a beautiful little school. I couldn’t stop thinking that the world would be perfect if it could just run like these amazing Kindergarten classes. They are beautifully run little communities, everyone sharing, caring and respectful of one another. Huge learning, loads of humour and I could have eaten these little people they were so cute.

It was quite something.

I get to interview them before they begin – “What is so special about you?”

and they say the best stuff and it is not called boastful or immodest or rude. It is called the truth.

“I am special because I love everyone”

“I am special because I know how to play hockey really well”

” I am special because I can build a whole town with Lego”

“I am special because my bellybutton sticks way out like a knot”

” I am special because I can eat a whole pizza myself”

“I am special because when I laugh I sound like a lion”


Remember way  way back when you thought you were special because of what you were and it was as random as all this and you never thought to beat yourself up for what you were not?

I can’t quite come up with my one and only favourite thing last week because it was such a  good week and there were so many great moments in it. Feeling useful, which I got to feel many times last week, contributed in a big way. Click here for it.