Please do not use the “c” word in my presence


Last week a friend, also divorced, was lamenting that she was not meeting anyone, that she has entered into a dry spell. She is new to two online dating sites and said “hellohowareyoudoyouwanttohaveacoffee” to 2 dozen men and heard nothing back.

It’s funny the way I react.

I can’t engage in this kind of negativity. I can’t tell her to give up, I can’t even let her make categorical comments like ‘all men this or all men that’. I think all of it poisons possibility. If I am going to be around her she can’t speak this way or even think this way.

I know she needed a sounding board, she said she needed to vent. I wasn’t very good at letting her.

I told her to stay open. I told her to know that whatever she gets or doesn’t  get back has  nothing really to do with her.  Having no one interested in you for a period of time does not mean you are not interesting

or fabulous

or lovely

or good

or kind

or lovable

it just means there is no one interested in you right now. Or, more importantly, that there is no one that you are interested in either.

It is not a trend. It is not a dead end. It is a moment in time.

The next day she got up and had four “bites” from people she thought looked interesting.

And a date she is very excited about tomorrow night.

Please do not use the “C” word (coincidence) in my presence.  It is practically a swear word over here.

By the way, I  am doing everything in my power to not do the “I told you so” dance.


How was April Fool’s for you? I love that day so much. Take a look at my favourite prank