love thy buns

Once upon a time I bought organic everything.

Once upon a time I washed all my produce in a special anti-pesticide wash.

Once upon a time I bought bread that tasted like my left shoe.

Once upon a time I believed white flour was the devil’s work.

Now I think life is short and my buns should be the worst for you best they can be.

It is 80-20 on everything now. 80% of the time it is  quinoa and boring moderate behaviour. 20% of the time I shoud be locked up or am poisoning myself. It’s called balance.

Last night we ate BBQ burgers on the cushiest tushiest buns money could buy.

Everyone was moaning at the table.

I am pretty sure the serotonin that raced through my body during dinner out paced the ancient grain that makes you feel superior but has you dying at 150, unhappy.

Life is short

Love thy buns.

While we are on the subject of body parts. How do you feel about the right to bare arms? The older I get the more I believe-love it, flaunt it, enjoy it. Click here now and strip down and show your stuff.

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