it will ignite you

I had an experience while away, that I need to add to the toolbox for anyone sad, struggling or needing perspective.

For those of us who are happy, it will ignite you.

It was something I had not done a lot of but did  for several hours at a time on a few occasions last week.


Your clue comes from a quotation I have always loved and agreed with, even if it forces me to use the G word, which, as you know, I am loath to do.

“Tropical fish are proof that God exists”

Seriously, I have never seen anything more beautiful in a way that brings such peace and wonder. Click here and come with me and see the world from a different angle.


2 thoughts on “it will ignite you

  1. I love this concept of toolbox to practicing what we are passionate about. This was heartfelt and inspirational. Thanks for sharing such kindness and wisdom.

    • Thank you,Sam. I draw on much of this by those that surround me-like you and your fabulous children!

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