This is Christmas-tell me a story

48x48 canvas completed this month

48×48 canvas completed this month


Sunday afternoon, I was told a story so well that I felt I was in a living room even though we were with several hundred people.

It was the strangest thing. There were no sexist remarks, no racial slurs, no four letter words, no self deprecation, nothing grandmas would blush at or that would traumatize toddlers and yet it was funny. Really funny.

It was old fashioned story telling. And it was magnificent.

It was Stuart Mclean from the Vinyl Cafe on stage with a few Christmas trees, some pretty girls in sparkly dresses, singing and swaying hips between stories. At one point they sang “I’ll be home for Christmas” and I squeezed the arm of my best friend. I knew she was gulping back thoughts of loss at that moment, as I was.

It was simple and singular and wonderful.

Simple is a gift.

Stories are the best. 

For the last several weeks everyone has been telling me theirs and we have been capturing it on canvas. Come take a look. It is my favourite gift. And I love that I get to be a part of it.

The hardest part is that the littlest ones know it is a surprise and can hardly stand the suspense. I tell them if they think they are going to wreck the surprise they should scream spaghetti. It helps me sometimes.

4 thoughts on “This is Christmas-tell me a story

    • Joy to you Debbie xox ( Do you realize you are the first person who subscribed to my blog? I have to love you for that alone!)

  1. It was our pleasure to have you join us. It puts me in the Christmas spirit more than anything else. He is a gifted story teller and Chic Gamines, his musical guest was incredible. Let’s make it an annual and we can have one moment each year to think of what used to be and the rest of the time we can spend it filled with laughter.

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