use it or lose it

What do a women’s hockey team, a group of incredible 7 year old boys, a good looking firefighter and his son, 67 graduating grade 6s, 30 grade 1s, a budding 7 year old artist wanting to make a gift for dad’s office, a snail, an elephant, a green giraffe, a turtle, a yellow tree frog, a snake, a bunny, an eagle, an amorous couple on a date, a group of 9 year old besties and me all have in common?

We have all been doing fabulous art together this past week.


photo 1

just minding my own business taking my pet snail for a walk


hanging in the hood with my green giraffe

hanging in the hood with my green giraffe

We are using our imaginations.

When was the last time you used yours?

Start feeding it now.

And in the meantime, take a look here and here.



**(the different people, of all ages, is one of the things I love most about my job)