soul sisters

It boggles the mind to think about how many different people our children have brought into our lives-friends we may not have ever met if it were not for them. And what a bonus when we see our children get close to the offspring of our life long friends.

But what if our children met a friend even before we met our children?

This week, amongst my ten campers, are two girls both from the same orphanage in China. They were together several months, sharing a crib, before they were adopted into different families and brought to Toronto.

They have a palpable bond. They watch out for one another. They hold hands.  They both have a vaccination on their arms, I call it their friendship tattoo, that our babies don’t. They shared a bed this week. They look out for one another. They finish each other’s sentences.They know stuff of life that I could not possibly.

It is a beautiful and remarkable thing.

( And It it beats the story of My mom can’t smell, hands down)

souls sisters