because sally

Today is my birthday and I don’t know what it is about today but it is just the most perfect day I have had in a long time. And it isn’t even half over.

I am feeling so much love. I feel so alive. I feel young and beautiful and healthy and smart (and deluded?). I resent the small elves who come into my closet and take in all my jeans at night but otherwise I feel really good.

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delusions of youth


As we were leaving for the 10km on Sunday, I said to my daughter-

Hey, I love you so much but this is a race. I won’t be waiting for you because you hardly trained. Call me when you get to the finish line.

I am pretty sure all of you can guess  what happens next.

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let’s make a difference

art studio for children


Please forgive this ask . I know, though, that you will agree it is a good one.
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