good, giving and game

I love this as a key to a great relationship/ marriage. Although Dan Savage, writer of syndicated column of  Savage Love, meant it mainly as it related to an open mind regarding sex- I would argue it is a great way to live well with someone you care about on all levels/aspects of life.

By the way, I wish my last name was Savage. The name is pure cool. Think about it – Nancy Savage. I love it. Wouldn’t you buy my book with a last name like that? This  not to be confused with  Vicious. That name Sid’s wife can keep.

Ok not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence but all of this is worth repeating. Sometimes simple rules get buried.


(give your best in bed)

be your best

try your best

give your best


(give equal time and equal pleasure)

don’t think about what you are getting back

dig deep and give it your all. Even sometimes when you don’t  want to


(game for anything – within reason)

be open to the other person’s needs, fantasies, wishes

What if we all adopted this mentality?

So if you can possibly handle more thoughts on great relationships from the girl who can’t possibly be an expert on it- but hey I interviewed some friends with good ones- click here on ideas of how to have a great marriage