delusions of youth


As we were leaving for the 10km on Sunday, I said to my daughter-

Hey, I love you so much but this is a race. I won’t be waiting for you because you hardly trained. Call me when you get to the finish line.

I am pretty sure all of you can guess  what happens next.

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life is short

“Life is short, running makes it longer”

When I first heard this I laughed- thinking about how I feel running makes things longer in an evil way- painful, hard, even gruelling. But this morning early while the sky spit on me, and the roads were dark and spooky,  the day  was fresh and new and stood in front of me still ready for what I was going to do with it.

I slowed my  mind down as I ran and thought about all of life and nothing and just my body doing what it was doing for me and only me.

And I thought life is short and this is a luxury.

And I can’t believe I just said that.

But here is the real truth of why running is so fine- this was our breakfast (I had two because the first one was too short)

click here for another fave quote – it is Wedesday after all