the love game



Because I love love and love games, I like to play a lot of love games.

The PG ones are also really fun.

Because this is the love month no one will lock you up if you play them every day of this month.

We have been trying to make dinner every night a  bit of a party  because of our beloved exchange student from Argentina. We want to show her some love and prove that not just Latinos are hot blooded and that even if ‘baby, it’s cold outside’, inside we are warm.

Don’t you ever take it personally and tragically when people from other places find us boring and cold?

The other night we had a group of friends from her school for dinner. The theme- you guessed it was – love.

Early declaration to my teenage daughter was- ‘don’t start rolling your eyes and worrying I am going to embarrass you because that is a given. I am your mom. It is part of my job. And I take that job extremely seriously.’ *smirk*

All the guests were given a pink card with their name on it and they had to make a random list of what they love. Random enough that when I read them out without telling whose list it is, we might not be able to guess who wrote them.

If naming and listing things we love helps us to remember what we love, it is an exercise worth doing.

After reading the lists of each and all trying to guess who they belonged to, we then each took one, flipped it over and wrote what we loved about each other.

Are you rolling your eyes yet?

Once completed we would pass the card to the right and continue until we had written on every card.

A few people at the table did not know each other. Is it impossible to find something we love about someone we have just met?  Nope. Not at all.

By the way, teenage daughter loved it. Eyeballs hardly rolled. Spankings were, therefore, withheld.


 We were not allowed to include people- it had to be things. Here is my list. What is on yours?