over here, momma!

There is a moment in a very big crowd  after a very big moment when your eyes search for your people. You are alive  and you want to find them more than anything else to share that moment.

Did they even make it here? No TTC this morning before 9 – they told me last night, not an easy location to get to, sleepy heads and tight time frame, after all they had to beat my personal best to get down there .. by taxi. *wink*

But it is Mother’s day so maybe an extra effort would be made.

And then I heard it.

“Over here, Momma”

To see my children at the finish line made me smile and cry. Smry. Crile?

I could tell how proud they were of me. I was proud of me.

The whole run I thought of wellness, and hope and my obedient body. I thought of how great it is when everything works. I thought about how we are sending a kid with cancer to camp.

It was an incredible experience.

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there in the world. I hope you have a moment today like I had this morning and that your people are around you to make it better.


Take a minute to look at this perfect tribute. It will make you smile. And maybe crile a little too.