getting what you asked for

We all know Christmas, for us big people, has a mix of every known emotion, all stuffed into clothes that have already become way too tight.

I love asking people what they loved most at Christmas. I want to hear about the best moment, their favourite gift that they gave, and their favourite gift they received.

I like what it reveals. Plus it gives me future ideas for new traditions or great prezzies.

When I asked a friend what her favourite gift was this Christmas she came back with

I didn’t get any presents.


Nope. I really didn’t get anything.

Her husband had asked her what she wanted.

She said nothing!

So you got exactly what you asked for?


And you were pissed?


Ok, lets revisit the ground rules. Firstly- never say you want nothing unless you really want nothing.

Secondly- if someone says they want nothing it is code for this year I really need something special. Just don’t make it too expensive. Absolutely no appliances. If its clothes they should be in sizes smaller than I am, if its a book, no self help genres especially How to be Younger Next Year (yes, I got this), if it is sleepwear it should not have a turtleneck.

If anyone out there needs help with WOMANEESE,  I am fluent in it.

favourite things wrapped