
I love carpooling. Not for the obvious green and time saving reasons- although that is the best and the only real reason for me to hold onto my ugly van. I love it because my girls are slipping away and it gives me time with them. They are growing up so quickly

It is like a landslide.

This morning I drove 5 to a musical performance they are involved in downtown. We left at 6:50 and made it there in 13 minutes flying through the city at a pace that is only typical while most of the world is not out yet.

They chatter and laugh and talk loudly. They reassure each other because today is a big day for many reasons.

They get out of the car – 4 bags each- so many hard and fun and interesting things happening today.

“Thank you so much for driving me, Nancy” each one says politely. Their moms taught them well. I feel like such an adult.

I see them walk away.

They are a mass of  bags, legs, jackets and lunch bags. Long beautiful hair, tender smiles and bright eyes.

A song comes on the radio as I sit and watch them walk away. I love to do this.

Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes bolder, children get older
I’m getting older too, well, I’m getting older too
dixie chicks -landslide

can I handle the changing seasons of my life? click here to read on this

One thought on “landslide

  1. Funny how one can interpret things differently. The Chicks are one of my two favourite artists and I can’t tell you how often I listen to this song in my car…cried while they performed it live in June 2010, but not once have I related it to watching my children grow and heaven forbid fall away.

    To me it’s the defining song about a relationship that has lost its way, marriage or otherwise, with the cliche timing that takes place when the children have left the nest and one party finds they are older and bolder and ready to take the step out of that non-fulfilling union.

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