when 6 kids is easy

This week art camp has been a comparative walk in the park

The girls, ages 11-15 are all wonderful, engaged and excited to be here. It is true that 6 represents almost half the normal amount in any given week- so that has made a difference

They are an amazing  group. As one of my favourites said in the middle of dinner last night

“Hey, no one here is mean. That is so weird. That never happens in real life”



(please hang in with me if you are getting duplicates of my posts- I am testing a new subscription method- I need you- don’t go away)

I have been thinking about how an evolution of an idea (like this blog or  my business or any new thing) is like the evolution of a canvas- it starts blank and then one step at a time it comes together- click here for something that makes me very proud

4 thoughts on “when 6 kids is easy

  1. This post reminds me of one time when my 7 yr old daughter was talking about her little group of friends at school. She says to me “It’s weird. They’re nice when they’re alone, but sometimes when they get together they can be mean.” I hate that this is even a concept in their young lives.

    • I hate it too Janine. With girls it is especially bad. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts

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