eat that frog, lift a baby elephant

I believe the first things we think about and do  every day are like a passport to the rest of the day


You truly can make the day into what you want

I know this as much because of how, on rare occasion, my attitude  and lack of preparedness  has wrecked a day

And of how the same but opposite has made it soar

(try one day each way and pay attention- life is not happening to you, you are making it happen)

Two pieces of  advice I love around this

eat the live frog first thing in the morning – if that sounds like frat house hazing- think metaphorically; tackle the hardest stuff first every day

lift a baby elephant  every day from its birth. When it is full grown you will have no problem carrying it all day. Don’t  try to lift it full grown without the training. It will be very very heavy. Impossible even. Think problems not tackled early. Think issues swept under the carpet. Think physical strength. Think adversity.


(Sorry about my habit of explaining the obvious- I work with children all day)

This week losing first born to Uni meant expecting a little bit of sadness so I threw in a few treats around work and chores. Click here to read about how I started yesterday blissfully- getting naked actually-spoiler alert-no frogs were eaten 


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