love is the answer


One of my  5-year-old artists, my feisty angel, made my day on Monday.

Early in the class  and out of nowhere and in a big voice she said to me ” I adore you, Nancy”. I can’t explain why but I needed it that day. And it was unprovoked, earnest and with no expectation of anything in return. The best kind of declaration.

I said “Oh, I love you so much.”

She said back to me  “Everyone loves me. Even strangers.”

I was thinking that is how it should be – we should wander the earth just like this little one, feeling accepted and adored by everyone.

Really that is all that matters and would solve everything.

And when the Winnipeg Chief of Police says “PRAY”,  I say -how can people seriously protest? Why not?  Lets all Love, Pray,  and for that matter, Eat- hey,  that would make a good book title.


So this little interaction with one of my angels prompted me to write a love letter to someone everyone wants me to hate and avoid. I could not help myself- so I sent it. I want to share it with all of you. Click here for my love letter. 

2 thoughts on “love is the answer

  1. And that is why we work with children. They have helped me through every bump I’ve had. Can’t get enough of them.
    Great Blog.

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