rebranding after separation


Late one evening recently,  I received an email from a friend – it was a mass email to her entire data base, telling her world that she was rebranding herself -changing her name from her married name to her maiden name.

The last time I saw her, mid April, she was at a party with her husband. Intact, it would seem.

I knew nothing of their struggles to the point that I did not get what she was trying to tell us.

The email was ‘upbeat’ and matter of fact so I did not realise that they had split up. In fact I thought it was just a modern woman’s approach to reclaiming her name. ( I have encountered  women who regret the name change- even those happily married)

After a few emails back and forth I asked if this was about her marriage (usually I am not this slow).

Yes they had split.

Some might decide this was bold, even cold. But I recognize all of it.

What we present after our long journey through difficulty is layered and never as simple as it seems. We need to be positive and forward thinking . None of this in any way suggests we are not grieving the loss or feeling the sadness.

You see, you, the public, are catching up to what we have reconciled with for a long time. We did not bounce back overnight. We are still bouncing, in fact.


 Want to see a most beautiful thing?- come over and take a look- it will warm you