keep it in your pants

Apparently, if you keep it in your pants on a date, she will love you.

 July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month.  The campaign is WHEN ON A DATE SHE’LL LOVE IT ON VIBRATE. KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS  (#keepitinyourpants)

Who would you like to get to keep it in their pants?

The person in the supermarket loudly saying “Right now I am in the supermarket squeezing melons” Like, who cares?

The person in the audience of live theatre, film,  church, beside you on the freeway going 135km/per hour, the couple at the romantic restaurants each on theirs, the family at dinner all on theirs, the person beside you in bed as you affectionately kiss their back, the teenager on the toilet just moments before they drop it in by mistake?


Keep it in your pants.


One day you put down your phone and what you are doing and look up and realize that your children are leaving home. Take a look at how we handle this when being their mom is all you can remember and what you love