momma lion

Yesterday, I picked up my children on a street corner after my last art class and their annual physicals. We were on our way to the Film Festival-  naughty on a school night especially on a day packed with too much.

As they neared the car, a woman approached them, not knowing momma lion was close by.

She was clearly telling them a sob story and asking them for money. My eldest said so sympathetically, “I am sorry, we are in a big hurry”

The woman’s face got angry and she exploded

” You fucking bitches. Thanks a lot.”

Like a big fat slap in the face with a  stab to the heart chaser.

I could see what she was saying and pressed maniacally  on my horn so I could chew her out . She walked abruptly away.

Kids got in the car. Rolled up windows. “Don’t worry about it, mom”.

I said, “No. Noone is going to speak to my chidren that way”

I pulled ahead to where she was now- finding her next victim. I rolled down the window and shouted to her

“Excuse me, EXC– USE ME-yes you- you can’t speak to my children that way. You asked them for money and then swore at them.”

Okay. Now I seemed like the crazy one. She looked at me like I was nuts. Nice act. The man who was reaching into his pocket thought  I was from outer space (as he he did not hear the earlier exchange), my chldren’s cheeks were flush with embarassement.

I can look so normal and even peaceful.

And then


don’t mess with my cubs.

There is a painting -Degas I think- that reminds me of how I feel lately- click here so I can tell you about it- you might feel the same way

2 thoughts on “momma lion

  1. I can relate to your story because like so many “momma lions” or “momma bears”, we’ve been in the same shoes and yes, even received the same crazed looks. One of my experiences occurred 3 years ago when I approached another parent about not pulling over in a bus zone (thus blocking a pedestrian crossing) and she went ballistic on me. I even found myself in tears…twice!! Like yourself, I know I’m not crazy even if this other parent thought so. I let the police and the principal administer the warnings after that and instead I put my efforts into volunteering to improve pedestrian safety and safe routes to schools initiatives like Walking or Wheeling Wednesdays and Walking School Bus. I love your blog and I’m grateful for the honesty, humour and wisdom that you share with all of us.

    • patti- thank you for sharing your story- it is one I have seen too a dozen times. King of the road driver, their agenda the most important and indignant when the collective need is expressed.
      I sometimes think too though- maybe her marriage is falling apart or her mom is dying and this nothing moment was too much to bear.
      I am so glad you are reading and getting something out of my writing. It is always good to know you are out there and that it means something to you. Keep reading, and pass it on if you like it!

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