momma lion

Yesterday, I picked up my children on a street corner after my last art class and their annual physicals. We were on our way to the Film Festival-  naughty on a school night especially on a day packed with too much.

As they neared the car, a woman approached them, not knowing momma lion was close by.

She was clearly telling them a sob story and asking them for money. My eldest said so sympathetically, “I am sorry, we are in a big hurry”

The woman’s face got angry and she exploded

” You fucking bitches. Thanks a lot.”

Like a big fat slap in the face with a  stab to the heart chaser.

I could see what she was saying and pressed maniacally  on my horn so I could chew her out . She walked abruptly away.

Kids got in the car. Rolled up windows. “Don’t worry about it, mom”.

I said, “No. Noone is going to speak to my chidren that way”

I pulled ahead to where she was now- finding her next victim. I rolled down the window and shouted to her

“Excuse me, EXC– USE ME-yes you- you can’t speak to my children that way. You asked them for money and then swore at them.”

Okay. Now I seemed like the crazy one. She looked at me like I was nuts. Nice act. The man who was reaching into his pocket thought  I was from outer space (as he he did not hear the earlier exchange), my chldren’s cheeks were flush with embarassement.

I can look so normal and even peaceful.

And then


don’t mess with my cubs.

There is a painting -Degas I think- that reminds me of how I feel lately- click here so I can tell you about it- you might feel the same way