love is all you need

‘All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.’

the beatles (you had to ask?)

 ok ok  I sense you are pissed at my simple sentimentality

but seriously- if you have love- that new pair of boots is FANTASTIC. If you have love you have something to fill that 9,000 square foot house. If you have love, you can soar and anything can happen and will.

But if you have no love**, then they are just boots and empty rooms.

One of my very favourite quotes on this is from a fiery philanderer and artist  by the name of Pablo Picasso. I just love the way he said this and so I cut it out and put it on a tray that I made so I can think about it every day.  Click here for words for wednesday and tell me you don’t agree……

*** Do I have to remind all of you that love is good from any perfect source ? I am not talking about romantic love (although that is a total bonus) – this is not necessary to define us (although a total bonus- let me repeat).

Love is everywhere.

(Be gentle with me, I get up at 5.)