catch and release


At a party a while ago , I see a guy who looks real fine to me, at the end of long and fun night,  like that friend made on family trip on the very last day before you leave.


Cute, by the way,  is not the cute of 20  – it is the cute of you think they ‘get’ what you do. You have a sense they are smart and funny and well, you know, maybe the whole package.

so I did something very uncharacteristic. I winked and smiled at him

ok that was weird

He said hello and introduced himself. The wink and smile thing can work I guess.

oh yes, cute and interesting and articulate and married 3 times. Apparently, very good at responding to winks and smiles.

‘So what have you learned?’ I ask, seriously interested in the answer

‘ Well, I took up fly fishing recently and it has taught me a whole lot about relationships. It is all about careful and quick catch and release’

Ok, I am laughing but I do love a nice fitting  pair of jeans wielding  a mean metaphor.

He is right.

Which is why I got out of there in a jiffy without a hook in my mouth.


what would you do if you thought the world was going to end in December? Here is what my friend Fraser recommends before you do anything irrational