Strayed, nagged,abused and neglected


We have been talking lately about  rebranding after separation/divorce.

I am reading a book right now called WILD by Cheryl Strayed. I love the name of the book and the author’s name- and then  I discovered that she actually strayed in her marriage and then she tells us she gave herself this name.

A bit into the book Cheryl tells us that she had affairs and then left her marriage, then changed her name from a hyphenated name of hers and her husband’s, to a name she felt fitted her offence- Strayed.

She literally looked it up in the dictionnary and then gave it to herself. Like a more formal scarlet letter of A for adultery.

It made me think -imagine if all the split people changed their last name to one that most described their offence in their marriage

Cheryl Strayed meet Alfred Addicted.

How do you do, Fiona Frigid- I am Norman Neglected.

Hey, how is it going Nadine Nagged? My name is Audrey Abused.

Whatsup Sam Sociopath, please call me  Jenna Jilted.

It would get all of our scars out of the way at first glance.


Sometimes I think many things are a little misleading and a lot uncomfortable. Seriously- holding everything in like that- when I think everything should be out in the open- like take this thing I saw in NYC which you could not seriously pay me enough to wear- like a straight jacket for my tush- BOO. Take a look and tell me whether you think you could wear one. And how you would feel if you were with a girl who wore one.