punish the deed


I saw this the other day and just loved it.

The world would be a different place with this mentality.

speaking of punishment, sometimes wanting the best for an ex is not always the case-read follow up to 9 lives on my other site called 9 lives over by clicking here


Sunday afternoons

I can’t explain fully why these are a little  hard for me now that my family looks different from what it did when I was married. My generation grew up with Sundays being the one day that was truly family day. Everything was closed, for many years we went to church in the morning and had TV dinner (meaning on our laps, NOT in a box) in front of Disney.

Now Sunday afternoons I feel like I am short a person, that the outstanding things that did not get done didn’t because of MANpower shortage. Or the fun things got pushed aside because there was just too much for one to do. Things slow down, maybe from exhaustion and a need for them to, and that is when I feel what I am missing.Not the man but the power. Maybe a man too, but not that man.

Just yesterday I was telling my children that I am busier than I have ever been in my life right now but also happier. So even with the productivity and happiness I feel I am missing something and I cannot decide whether it is a nostalgic notion or really something. Sundays mainly, when there is time to think , I am overcome by this.

I try to plan something family on Sunday nights now. Dinner with another family or our extended family. This helps.

read playground paranoia on my other site by clicking here

words to live by

“to love what you do and feel that it matters-how can anything be more fun? Katherine Graham

more quotes to live by-by clicking here on my latest Urbanmoms post