gifts that keep on giving

I love January because I get to play with all my new toys from Christmas. Last night a few friends were joining us for dinner and I took out my new tablecloth from my beloved sister in law and younger brother

Because I love anticipation – I had to wait for the right minute to bring it out. When I opened this beautiful present on Christmas she said “the receipt is inside -please exchange if you don’t like the colour”.  WHAT?

This is uncanny because you had to see me carry a lime green tablecloth around an antique shop in Haliburton for 1/2 an hour  last fall thinking about whether I should splurge for such a thing. It was $35. That is a bit more than a dollar a minute of contemplation. What is my problem?

I did not buy it.

So when I opened this on Christmas day and it was a far lovelier version of the one I flirted with for too much time only to leave it behind, I almost cried.

It is so pretty and lovely and French and  get ready- it is spill proof.  Perfect for the klutz factor so alive and well over here chez nous.

Great gifts are the ones where the giver says that it  looks just like you and you get it and you cannot get over just how much it looks just like you and you can hardly stand your excitement-click here for my new gift from my friend


Last night at a meeting at my girls’ school, an acquaintance from 15 years ago, when our babies were babies, came up to me and told me a mutual friend had sent her my blogs this week.

I asked her if they are personal to her-in other words trying to see if she had joined this strange and growing club, of the separated and divorced.

She told me she is very recently separated. She is that girl- pretty, smart and together and you never knew there was trouble. We are all that girl or that boy. We are all struggling with something. And we all hide it well.

I see today she has subscribed to my blogs.

This is why I write.

Life with teenage daughters- click here to read my friends story called “I have changed my mind”

ex caddy-the response

Many of you emailed me to ask how my friend responded to the darling request to drive her ex husband’s and his girlfriend’s golf clubs to the airport for their trip.

Her daughter actually asked her- “Were you hurt by this, mom?” To which she responded “Much of what happens in life you can cry or laugh at. I chose to laugh at this.”

I am extremely impressed.

However, I am still  pretty sure I would have worked hard to fit those clubs into a nice tight spot in with him.

words for Wednesday- check out my other post with useful tactic in dealing with the above request by clicking here