a sign


‘me in the tree’ by Grace art studio for children

Sometimes  I have a gut instinct or a feeling about something but I question it because I know I have an overactive imagination

or because I want to see something differently then I feel it to be

So I ask for a sign. Sounds silly maybe but I really do ask.

At just after midnight, as it  became Friday the 13th, something became clearer.

All I have to do is ask for a sign and  amazingly it arrived at the very first moment of  Friday the 13th.

Lucky, after all.




the usual tough and random questions at art camp- click here for tonight’s doozy

goosebump factor


self portrait mixed media “me in the tree” by Claire www.artstudioforchildren.com


remember this feeling?

of hanging upside down a little scared

or diving into a cold lake when your body is so hot

or making a difference to someone

or being with someone who makes you feel this way?

This is what we want  and need no matter how old we are.


I feel  lucky I get alot of goosebump factor in my life. I try to serve it first. My daily dose comes from many things I hold on to tightly – people, creativity and my work. I must say though, the work requires some psyching up when it is a week of sleepover art camp with 10 short people- Click here for the message I wrote myself to help kick start my right attitude(some goosebumps need encouragement)

why does she run ?

To clear her head?

To become stronger?

To deal with frustration, anger, sadness ?

To make herself happy, fit, even tempered?

Or to eat these with a clear conscience?

Yup. I think that’s it.

Let me introduce you to skor and caramel chocolate dipped texan donuts from our favourite country bakery. Why  are they called Texan? Think BIG, really BIG. Big as my head, big.

I think I am in love.


Isn’t what we love about summer as easy as this? Click here for sweetness of summer and the  simple pleasures that go with this time of year