sadness of strangers

I was walking with a group of teenage girls, down by the water on a beautiful spring day, when a man walked by holding hands with two adorable tiny little kids, one on each side of him.

He was tenderly but matter of factly stating the new program.

That is right, some days you will be staying with mommy and some days with daddy.

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This is Christmas- confession

Saturday we had our really great mom/ daughter Christmas shopping day. We dress up, have breakfast downtown and shop for pretty much the only time all year.

My children try everything on. I say yes to anything they want (they don’t ask for much and treasure the smallest things) and they whisper about what they are getting me and love the moment when they say to me

I got this

And they treat me to something new. It is the best.

But I have a confession to make. And it ain’t pretty.

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This is Christmas-intervention

My children did an intervention on me.

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