you’ve got the devil in you


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it is an apple, dad


I went to see my dad this week and I took him an apple.

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the walking wounded


When your marriage falls apart you are a baby in the world again. You want to trust, you want to believe in all good things and love and magic and unicorns. Okay maybe not unicorns.

Because you lost so much there are certain things you hold onto with a vengeance- and one of them is the ability to love and trust again.How could you give your most treasured possession over to the failed marriage ? But it is shaky ground and so scary.

We are the walking wounded. Our hearts have been torn out and stomped on by life. We are  the tin men of the world.

But  slowly with time and carefully, but not too carefully,  our new hearts can be stronger for it.

what are the top 10 most stupid questions in the world? click here for mine and add yours