your heart is a prize

If you are a girl and you were raised directly after/during or around the Sexual Revolution,  adults around you scrambled to implore, your virginity is a prize.

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the big book of Penises



I went into a charming little independent book store with my daughters recently just to browse and think about how many books there are in the world and so little time to read them all.

There is a vibe in a good bookstore that is remarkably romantic and I just love to go in them and soak that up.

Lovely quirky woman behind the cash begins to talk to us.

Suddenly the chair rail behind and above her head,that housed many featured books, somehow threw the largest book off and it fell on her head.

This was a very heavy, glossy coffee table book.

It almost knocked her out.

It was called The BIG book of Penises.

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better and worse

These past few weeks many close  friends who have said goodbye to their children as they have left for University, are devastated by the loss. Intellectually they know that it is a natural progression, that it is very good if not spectacular and that they would not want it any other way. But if you love the noise, the confusion, the excitement and the challenge of it and you have known it for 18 years – it takes some real getting used to.

I was speaking to a good friend who has a grade 12 like me and she and I were agreeing that this is going to be tough for us next year.

Lately, I have been trying to say what is hard for me to  say,  rather than avoid the difficult thing. So I said it-

“I wonder sometimes if our other  married friends say – this is going to be hard for us- imagine what it will be like for Nance”

She did not miss a beat.

“Nance, I think many of them envy your happiness, and some of them would rather be  alone than be left with whatshername or whathisname beside them and no kids in between.”

Ok, so this made me feel better and worse.

I want to believe in marriage and its long and winding road.

Did I tell you I think I am having a growth spurt? Seriously. I wish I was. I have an appetite of (I said “of” not “for” right?)two men these days. Click here for the unattractive truth that your running coach will never tell you