ex caddy-the response

Many of you emailed me to ask how my friend responded to the darling request to drive her ex husband’s and his girlfriend’s golf clubs to the airport for their trip.

Her daughter actually asked her- “Were you hurt by this, mom?” To which she responded “Much of what happens in life you can cry or laugh at. I chose to laugh at this.”

I am extremely impressed.

However, I am still  pretty sure I would have worked hard to fit those clubs into a nice tight spot in with him.

words for Wednesday- check out my other post with useful tactic in dealing with the above request by clicking here


Yesterday my first born turned 16 and while all  boys and some  girls  on their 16th have only one thing on their mind – getting their driver’s licence – it didn’t even hit her radar.

My older brother  was in charge of “teaching” me how to drive – for him this meant pushing  his foot on top of mine on the gas pedal and flooring it- “Nance, you gotta know a car’s full power”. It was a wood panelled station wagon that seemed to go on for a block. Turbo.

He turned to the birthday girl and offered to teach her  ” assuming you are  like the rest of the women in our family  and think R stands for Race?”

Look what is on my list for Christmas this year on my other post by clicking here

punish the deed


I saw this the other day and just loved it.

The world would be a different place with this mentality.

speaking of punishment, sometimes wanting the best for an ex is not always the case-read follow up to 9 lives on my other site called 9 lives over by clicking here