bible sky

This is what we call the sky  that looks like this

It is Bible Sky because it is found unrealistically on the cover of all bad church flyers and programs.

However, when you see it in real life (as we did on a perilous journey up a mountain road in Jamaica) it just simply takes your breath away.

All of us got silent. Even the atheists.

This sky is so unexpected and I love the unexpected. Read more about it by clicking here. Right this very minute. Now. Thanks

dirty laundry

I sat beside a woman this morning whose dirty laundry has revealed itself to me. She likely does not know what I know but she is experiencing pain. I don’t know her well enough at all to reach out and say anything regarding the laundry. So instead I show compassion and warmth and humour. I look at her and she is all of us at any given time. She is not bad or deserving. She is not weak or ugly. She is us. And it is her laundry day.

piss me off- nylons and negotiating- click here to see how teenagers are overthrowing dictators

hum drum

I have extremely boring clients and every day resembles the last

They never make me feel loved or appreciated

(pet rock named after me – she is part time art teacher -part time ‘rock’ star)

we have no fun at all

I hate my job

all I can say is I like rain and other reasons why Maya Angelou would not be that fond of me-click here to read why