inside out beauty

A friend ran into my mom at the grocery store, one day several years ago. This friend had rolled out of bed and run to the grocery store to grab a few things. It was 7 am. There was soft glow in aisle 5 and a chorus of angels and from around the corner my mom appeared in a pair of heels, an elegant outfit and the natural glamour she always exudes. My friend looked down at her own messy hair and shirt, with baby spit up on it and dove behind a tower of Oreos and has been traumatized ever since.

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grief odometer


I have found, as it relates to separation, that our odometers are set at zero the moment we leave our marriage, in our minds.

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dad, I laminated you

It has been almost 6 months since my dad died.

I somehow wondered if in that time I would find a few answers. I found other stuff (but not answers)-

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