
“When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in it in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb. The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cosy parlour firesides on winter evenings, when one’s ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the fender, of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries.”

Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

more favourite food quotes on my other new post-food vs sex- have I got your attention ?

get lost

I enjoy being me more often than not.

When I am driving and I get lost though, I want to be anyone else.

I get warm all over. But not in a good way. I get mad and frustrated and curse my personality.

Sometimes I cry.

I pull over and ask which way is Yonge St as though I am from Botswana. When the person starts to explain it to me I ask them to sssssllllloooooowwww down because I am getting confused. “Could you draw it for me?” I always ask.

Once  when I was about 20, I invited a couple dozen friends to my cottage and gave them wrong directions. I felt like Mary Tyler Moore throwing a bad party where no one shows up-so a few of us drank all the beer and went skinny dipping. Around midnight the sweaty travellers arrived telling me that the right was a left and that the garage roof was red not green.

Details. Details. Details.

Don’t buy my dress. Is it the Oscars or just a high school semi- click here for my new post

pink mondays

Today -the third Monday in January – has been coined Blue Monday. Apparently, it is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year based on –

– bills coming in for Christmas and a realization that you are not quite as rich as you thought you were.

-3 weeks into your resolutions and you see how quickly you abandoned them

-S.A.D -or seasonal affective disorder. The weather -with the weak light, short days and cold temps can mean extreme sadness for many.

My Mondays are generally pink-nobody wants to hear this- as happiness is the new sadness. Everyone today wears their sadness on their sleeve with pride-grumbling, complaining and generally coming up with great and serious reasons why life is disappointing them. The economy, life’s surprises, current administration or marital status get thrown out to give the victim an excuse for wallowing.

I could give you 1000 reasons why happiness trumps sadness, why happiness is a conscious choice, why happiness is attainable and sustainable but today I am short for time so I will leave you with a quote –

“My knowledge that one day I will be dead is the single most motivating factor for everything that I do” Steve Jobs.

speaking of pink, wise stuff out of the blue on my other new post by clicking here