Steve Joblessness and in flight adjustment

It has been said of Steve Jobs, arguably the greatest tech leader of our time, that he has always  excelled at in flight adjustment.

This is resourcefulness, resilience and determination regardless of what is thrown at you, regardless of the plan or dream  you had.

This has helped  make his life a success.

In flight adjustment. I like it and I try to live it every day.

Speaking of in flight adjustments- do you remember I printed a story of a woman 18 months ago called SHE NEVER SAW IT COMING?

Well I have an update for you- and it is somewhat unexpected so click here to read it

pink mondays

Today -the third Monday in January – has been coined Blue Monday. Apparently, it is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year based on –

– bills coming in for Christmas and a realization that you are not quite as rich as you thought you were.

-3 weeks into your resolutions and you see how quickly you abandoned them

-S.A.D -or seasonal affective disorder. The weather -with the weak light, short days and cold temps can mean extreme sadness for many.

My Mondays are generally pink-nobody wants to hear this- as happiness is the new sadness. Everyone today wears their sadness on their sleeve with pride-grumbling, complaining and generally coming up with great and serious reasons why life is disappointing them. The economy, life’s surprises, current administration or marital status get thrown out to give the victim an excuse for wallowing.

I could give you 1000 reasons why happiness trumps sadness, why happiness is a conscious choice, why happiness is attainable and sustainable but today I am short for time so I will leave you with a quote –

“My knowledge that one day I will be dead is the single most motivating factor for everything that I do” Steve Jobs.

speaking of pink, wise stuff out of the blue on my other new post by clicking here