be healthy

Before your child is born you have very few requests-

one,  actually

that he/she is healthy. Please God, you say, nothing else matters.

(Perhaps you might throw in- oh and -please don’t make it hurt too too much)

When you are fortunate enough to be presented with that very healthy baby, it is enough for an afternoon, and then you have new needs for them.

Let them latch on well, let them learn to sleep quickly, let them gain weight.

Soon you want them to read short novels at three, hit the baseball out of the park and play ‘nicely’ with their friends.

You want them to have divine gifts, talents and invitations to all the birthday parties. You want them to land their triple, look nice in shorts, have the  manners of a church mouse and the assertiveness of a bulldog.

You want them to excel in Math, Science and French. You need them to be funny, fit in, stand out, excel, dominate, create and master.

But suddenly if everything comes crashing down around them or within them, all you really want is the first thing you ever wanted for them;

That they be healthy.

helplessness is  the scariest thing to see in someone you love-click here for my  post on the topic

a good giggle

If there is a hierarchy of needs on a girl’s list for the right boy, “sense of humour” is definitely close to the top. A guy with a sense of humour is worth his weight. Life is so good if you can laugh hard every day. But  it is good to know when to stop making people laugh and dig a little deeper. Sometimes humour is a way to self protect. At everyone’s expense. I should know. I make that mistake too often.

When Charles and Di first faced the press together – he answered somewhat notoriously to the question if he was in love “Whatever ‘ in love’ means.” How romantic, Charlie Brown.

Kate and William are to be married any minute. When William went to describe how their friendship had blossomed into something else, he said “We just spent more time with each other and had a good giggle”

Um. Good luck with that.

wouldn’t it be great if things with the ROYALS loosened up full speed. Take a look  at this great farce of the royal wedding rehearsal by clicking here


I love carpooling. Not for the obvious green and time saving reasons- although that is the best and the only real reason for me to hold onto my ugly van. I love it because my girls are slipping away and it gives me time with them. They are growing up so quickly

It is like a landslide.

This morning I drove 5 to a musical performance they are involved in downtown. We left at 6:50 and made it there in 13 minutes flying through the city at a pace that is only typical while most of the world is not out yet.

They chatter and laugh and talk loudly. They reassure each other because today is a big day for many reasons.

They get out of the car – 4 bags each- so many hard and fun and interesting things happening today.

“Thank you so much for driving me, Nancy” each one says politely. Their moms taught them well. I feel like such an adult.

I see them walk away.

They are a mass of  bags, legs, jackets and lunch bags. Long beautiful hair, tender smiles and bright eyes.

A song comes on the radio as I sit and watch them walk away. I love to do this.

Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes bolder, children get older
I’m getting older too, well, I’m getting older too
dixie chicks -landslide

can I handle the changing seasons of my life? click here to read on this