the family meeting

I promised something and am late delivering but life is busy and I also could not see how to dilute or shorten Jennifer’s speech. It was just too perfect. So I will start by sharing her memory of first learning of her parents separation at a dreaded family meeting. I feel so fortunate that my family meetings growing up were always around where we were moving to next- not always easy- but nothing like the family meetings I have had to have with my children. Or the hard one in this post written by the grown woman from her memory at 10, which was around the time I met her

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counter intuitive


Over the years I have been to  a few but not loads of makeup counters

It is what girls are supposed to do. I guess. I often find the women that work at them fall into a category of womanhood that  makes me wonder if maybe I am a man. In the morning they put their faces on like they fell off in the night. I mean they line their lips and stuff. And pluck all their eyebrows off and then draw a line.  And they smell manufactured. Their long painted nails are like Hallowe’en all year.


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