awake and asleep


My mom and I speak every day. We have become very close over the last several years in a way I never imagined would be possible. It is a gift of the difficulties we have experienced/shared. If life had been straight forward and smooth (of course it never is) we might have never spoken about much beyond recipes and shoes.

Since my dad died about 6 weeks ago, we keep asking each other how is your everything?

I keep saying the same thing.

I have no idea.

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distracted by life’s best moments

The best part of a big birthday year is all the celebrations. Last night we celebrated you as today is your day.

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how is your everything?

Of all the taboos we have broken down and pushed into acceptance – divorce, death, cancers, sexual orientation- mental health still remains the most stigmatized.

I heard a soundbite from my daytime companion, CBC radio, and I want to share it with you.

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