how to calm down

I occasionally work in classrooms that are so spectacularly run, with standards, systems, communication and mutual respect that rival anything big people have in place out there in the grown up world, that I am loathe to leave them.

It’s like a lovely village that I would like to live in forever.

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inside out beauty

A friend ran into my mom at the grocery store, one day several years ago. This friend had rolled out of bed and run to the grocery store to grab a few things. It was 7 am. There was soft glow in aisle 5 and a chorus of angels and from around the corner my mom appeared in a pair of heels, an elegant outfit and the natural glamour she always exudes. My friend looked down at her own messy hair and shirt, with baby spit up on it and dove behind a tower of Oreos and has been traumatized ever since.

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crossing thresholds

I am a visual learner. When I think of change  and choice, I think of crossing a threshold to a new world.

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